How to check the quality of cement before you begin construction?

Cement is a crucial component in the construction industry, used in various applications such as building foundations, walls, floors, and roads. It is a binding material that is vital in providing structural strength to the construction. However, not all cement is of the same quality, and using inferior-quality cement can result in a weak and unsafe structure.
Therefore, ensuring that the cement used in any construction project is of good quality is essential. Let’s take a look at how to check cement quality at construction sites.
1.Check cement manufacturing date - It is crucial to check the production date of cement on the packaging before using it, as many people need to be made aware that cement gradually loses its strength over time. This is because fresh cement quickly absorbs moisture from the air, even when tightly packed in a bag, resulting in increased moisture content and chemical reactions known as 'hydration'. Therefore, it is recommended by most experts to use cement within 90 days of manufacturing to ensure optimal strength and quality.
As cement ages, it experiences a decline in strength, with reductions ranging from 20% to 30% after three months, 30% to 40% after six months, and 40% to 50% after a year. It is essential to understand these effects to ensure the cement used in construction projects meets the required standards for strength and durability.
2. Check the colour of the cement – The colour of cement is a significant clue about its quality and composition. The preferred colour of cement is a consistent grey with a faint greenish tint. However, if the cement has a darker greenish hue, it might indicate an excessive amount of lime or clay.
3. Check for the presence of lumps - It is crucial to examine the contents to ensure no clumps inside. The presence of lumps signifies that the cement bag has been exposed to moisture. As mentioned earlier, moisture weakens the cement, rendering it ineffective.
If you find lumps in the cement bag, it is essential to reject it and contact the supplier or manufacturer.
4. Cement float test - To ensure that cement has not been contaminated with excessive dust, which could weaken it, you can conduct a straightforward float test at the building site. To do this, take a handful of cement from the bag and toss it into a bucket of water.
Good quality cement will float on the water for a period before sinking, whereas cement containing impurities will sink right away. Conversely, cement mixed with dust will remain afloat for an extended period.

5. Cement adulteration test - To determine the quality of cement, you can take a small amount of the material and rub it between your fingers. If the texture is smooth, it is of good quality. However, if the cement feels rough or grainy, it could indicate an excessive amount of sand in the mixture.
6. Cement temperature test - All you need to do is to insert your clean and dry hand into the cement bag. If the material feels cool, it means that hydration has not occurred yet. But, if it feels warm, it indicates that the cement has already reacted with moisture and started hardening, making it unusable for construction purposes.
7. Cement odour test - One method to determine the quality of cement involves using your sense of smell. Normally, cement does not have a discernible scent. But if you detect an earthy odour emanating from the bag, it may suggest the presence of an excessive amount of clay and sand in the cement mixture.
8. Cement setting test - Lastly, you can assess cement quality by preparing a thick paste with water and spreading it onto a glass plate. Mix roughly 100 gm of cement with a small amount of water to ensure the paste is firm. Then, using a trowel, make a cement cake with straight edges and submerge the glass plate into a bucket of water.
Let the plate stay underwater for around 24 hours before removing it. If the shape of the cement cake looks unchanged and there are no visible cracks or uneven edges, it indicates that the cement is of good quality.
That brings an end to our guide on how to check cement quality at the construction site. If you’re willing to know more, speak to us at
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